종료[Abcam] IHC 관련 제품 2개 이상 동시 구매 시 15% 할인! (~7/17)

조회수 3565

1. IHC 워크플로우

Antigen Retrieval Buffers
- 최적화를 위한 다양한 pH
- 일관성 있는 결과

Blocking Reagents
- 백그라운드 시그널과 거짓 양성 반응을 효율적으로 감소
- Serum
- Biotin / Peroxidase / AP blocking buffer

Isotype Control
- Non-specific 백그라운드 염색 확인을 위한 control
- 흔히 사용되는 species와 isotype을 포함하는 200가지 이상 제품

Secondary Antibodies
- Alexa Fluor®, DyLight®, Biotin, HRP를 포함한 20가지 이상의 label
- 발현량이 낮은 단백질 검출을 위한 HRP-polymers
- Pre-adsorbed
- F(ab) or F(ab')2 fragment
- 많은 논문 인용 횟수 (5,600회 이상)
Lightning-Link® Conjugation Kits
- 45가지 이상의 label로 자유롭게 conjugation 가능
- 20분 만에 완성되는 간단한 프로토콜
- 배치 간 일관성
- Purification 과정 필요 없음
- 항체 손실이 없음

Streptavidin (HRP)
- 1/10000 dilution
- Application : Dot blot, ELISA, IHC-P, IHC-Fr, ICC, WB, Immunomicroscopy

H&E Staining Kit
- 낮은 evaporation rate
- 더 나은 컬러 패턴
- 가장 적절한 Eosin-stained cytoplasma와의 대조

Mounting Medium with DAPI - Aqueous, Fluoroshield
- 320+ 논문
- Anti-fade
- 무독성

2. 행사 제품 list

1) Abcam 의 모든 Recombinant antibody

2) Antibody panel

* Antibody panel 이란?

- 연구분야 또는 동일한 단백질에 대한 여러 1차 항체들을 소용량 (10, 20, 50 ul 등) 으로 제공

- Monoclonal 항체들로 구성되어 있어 lot variation 최소화

- 각각의 1차 항체들은 별도 구매 가능

- 일부 panel의 경우 2차 항체를 함께 제공

3) IHC 워크플로우 필수 제품

- Antigen retrieval

Product typeProduct nameSizeCat No.
Buffers for heat-induced
antigen retrieval
Universal HIER antigen retrieval reagent (10X)
100 mlab208572
Antigen Retrieval Buffer (100X Tris-EDTA Buffer, pH 9.0)
125 ml, 250 mlab93684
Antigen Retrieval Buffer (100X Citrate Buffer)
125 ml, 250 mlab93678
Buffers for enzymatic antigen retrieval
Proteinase K Antigen Retrieval Solution
4 mlab64220
Pepsin Solution (Antigen Retrieval)
7 mlab64201

- Blocking

Product typeProduct nameSizeCat No.
Blocking buffersHydrogen Peroxide Blocking Reagent
60 ml, 125 mlab64218
Avidin/Biotin Blocking Kit
15 ml ab64212
Protein Block
125 mlab64226
SerumNormal Donkey Serum
10 ml, 25 mlab7475
Normal Goat Serum
10 ml, 25 ml
Isotype controlRabbit IgG, monoclonal [EPR25A] - Isotype Control
200 ugab172730
Mouse IgG1 monoclonal [R312-MouseIgG1]-Isotype control
100 ug, 1 mgab280974

- Immunostaining

Product typeProduct nameSizeCat No.
Antibody diluentAntibody Diluent
125 mlab64211
Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG H&L (Alexa Fluor® 488)
500 ugab150077
Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG H&L (Alexa Fluor® 594)
500 ug
Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG H&L (Alexa Fluor® 647)
500 ugab150079
Goat Anti-Mouse IgG H&L (Alexa Fluor® 488)
500 ug
Goat Anti-Mouse IgG H&L (Alexa Fluor® 594)
500 ugab150116
Goat Anti-Mouse IgG H&L (Alexa Fluor® 647)
500 ugab150115
Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG H&L (HRP)
1 mgab6721
Goat Anti-Mouse IgG H&L (HRP)
1 mgab6789
HRP polymerGoat Anti-Rabbit IgG H&L (HRP polymer)
15 ml, 50 ml ab214880
Goat Anti-Mouse IgG H&L (HRP polymer)
15 ml, 50 mlab214879
Goat Anti-Rat IgG H&L (HRP polymer)
15ml, 50 ml
Mouse and Rabbit Specific HRP/DAB IHC Detection Kit - Micro-polymer
15 ml, 60 ml, 125 mlab236466
Rabbit specific IHC polymer detection kit HRP/DAB
15 mlab209101
conjugation kits
Alexa Fluor® 488 Conjugation Kit (Fast) - Lightning-Link®
100 ug, 1 mg,
3 x 10 ug, 3 x 100 ug
APC Conjugation Kit - Lightning-Link®
100 ug, 1 mg,
3 x 10 ug, 3 x 100 ug
Alkaline phosphatase Conjugation Kit - Lightning-Link®
100 ug, 1 mg,
3 x 10 ug, 3 x 100 ug
APC/Cy7® Conjugation Kit - Lightning-Link®
100 ug, 1 mg,
3 x 10 ug, 3 x 100 ug
Alexa Fluor® 647 Conjugation Kit (Fast) - Lightning-Link®
100 ug, 1 mg,
3 x 10 ug, 3 x 100 ug
DyLight® 594 Conjugation Kit (Fast) - Lightning-Link®
100 ug, 1 mg,
3 x 10 ug, 3 x 100 ug
HRP Conjugation Kit - Lightning-Link®
100 ug, 1 mg,
3 x 10 ug, 3 x 100 ug
1 x 5mg, 5 x 1mg

- Chromogenic detection

Product typeProduct nameSizeCat No.
SubstrateStreptavidin (HRP)
500 ugab7403
DAB Substrate Kit
60 ml, 125 mlab64238
AEC Substrate Kit
125 mlab64252
Streptavidin HRP (ready-to-use)
125 mlab64269
Fast Red Substrate Kit
60 ml, 125 mlab64254
ABCMouse and Rabbit Specific HRP/DAB Detection IHC kit

- Counterstaining

Product typeProduct nameSizeCat No.
Staining kit
H&E Staining Kit (Hematoxylin and Eosin)
1 kitab245880
Fluorescent dye
Hoechst 33342 Staining Dye Solution
5 mlab228551

- Mounting

Product typeProduct nameSizeCat No.
Mounting Medium With DAPI - Aqueous, Fluoroshield
20 ml, 100 mlab104139
Anti-Fade Fluorescence Mounting Medium - Aqueous, Fluoroshield
20 ml, 100 ml,
250 ml, 1000 ml
Mounting Medium for IHC - Aqueous
125 mlab64230

- Special staining

Product typeProduct nameSizeCat No.
Special staining
Phalloidin-iFluor 488 Reagent
300  testab176753
Picro Sirius Red Stain Kit (Connective Tissue Stain)
100 testab150681

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* 행사 및 학술 문의   Tel. 031-728-3234, 3237   E-mail. technical@dawinbio.com   카카오톡 플러스친구 ID: abcam