Cell cultureFBS, Premium (US Origin)

조회수 10760

FBS, Premium (US Origin)
Cat no. F0600-050 
Size : 500 ml
FBS, Premium 제품은 US origin raw serum으로 원료부터 엄격하게 선별된 premium grade FBS 입니다.  

  • 다양한 Biochemical test 통과
  • Mycoplasma tested, Virus screened, Microorganism tested 완료
  • 낮은 Hemoglobin, Endotoxin level
  • 다양한 cell line tested 완료 (L-923, 3T3, MDBK, Vero, Sp2/0-Ag14 등)
  • Premium specification에 따른 raw serum 선별
  • 무상샘플 증정 (샘플과 동일 lot 구매가능) 
           쇼핑몰 바로 구매

  ProductFBS, PremiumSpecification
  Cat no.F0600-050
Biochemical Profile
30 key biochemical levels were determined through chemical
Endotoxin (EU/ml)
Determined for each lot using an automated limulus amebocyte lysate (LAL) method
< 0.49≤ 10.0
Measured spectrophotometrically
8.3≤ 20
Osmolality (mOsm/kg)
Tested using freezing point depression
316260 - 350
Total Protein (gm/dl)
Used to confirm animal age
2.5 - 4.0

** Test 결과는 제품의 Lot no.에 따라 차이가 있을 수 있습니다.

Virus and Micro-Oraganism Test

* BVD : Bovine Viral Diarrhoea

* PI-3 : Parainfluenza-3 Virus

* IBR : Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR) Virus

◎  FBS, Premium 세포배양 테스트   

◎ FBS Package

High Quality FBS를 Media와 함께 구매할 수 있는 FBS 1bt + Media 10bts Package

경제적인 가격의 FBS 를 찾으시나요?

* 무상 샘플을 제공하고 있으니 test를 원하시는 분은 샘플신청을 해주세요.

* 제품 문의   T. 031-728-323E. technical@dawinbio.com

 🔸 Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS), Premium, US Origin (cat no. F0600, F0601) Reference

  • Identification of Kinase Targets for Enhancing the Antitumor Activity of Eribulin in Triple-Negative Breast Cell Lines. 2023, Biomedicines
  • Crosstalk between TM4SF5 and GLUT8 regulates fructose metabolism in hepatic steatosis. 2022, Molecular Metabolism
    The potential of bovine colostrum-derived exosomes to repair aged and damaged skin cells. 2022, Pharmaceutics
  • Liver‐originated small extracellular vesicles with TM4SF5 target brown adipose tissue for homeostatic glucose clearance. 2022, Journal of Extracellular Vesicles
  • STAT6 in mitochondrial outer membrane impairs mitochondrial fusion by inhibiting MFN2 dimerization. 2022, iScience
  • A Collagen-Conducting Polymer Composite with Enhanced Chondrogenic Potential. 2021, Cell Mol Bioeng

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